Synthesis, in vitro, and in vivo biological evaluation and molecular docking simulations of chiral alcohol and ether derivatives of the 1,5-diarylpyrrole scaffold as novel anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents.
Biava M, Porretta GC, Poce G, Supino S, Manetti F, Forli S, Botta M, Sautebin L, Rossi A, Pergola C, Ghelardini C, Norcini M, Makovec F, Giordani A, Anzellotti P, Cirilli R, Ferretti R, Gallinella B, La Torre F, Anzini M, Patrignani P, Bioorg Med Chem, 2008 Sep 1 - link

Synthesis, biological evaluation, and enzyme docking simulations of 1,5-diarylpyrrole-3-alkoxyethyl ethers as selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors endowed with anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activity.
Anzini M, Rovini M, Cappelli A, Vomero S, Manetti F, Botta M, Sautebin L, Rossi A, Pergola C, Ghelardini C, Norcini M, Giordani A, Makovec F, Anzellotti P, Patrignani P, Biava M, J Med Chem, 2008 Aug 14 - link